Introduction - About Me

 Introduction - About Me

Hello, everyone! My name is Nathan and I am currently a Junior at the University of Oklahoma. I spent a majority of my life in the Fort Worth, Texas area. That is where I did kindergarten all the way up through high school. During my senior year I began my journey of eventually becoming a pilot by starting flight lessons.                                                                                                                            

Before My First Flight Lesson - February 2018

        After earning my Private Pilot certificate, I moved up to Norman to attend OU and major in Aviation, with a concentration as a Professional Pilot. I am now in my fifth semester here and hold a Commercial Pilot certificate as well as a Certified Flight Instructor certificate.

After Passing My Flight Instructor Check Ride - January 2021

    My short term goal is to build my total flight hours as a flight instructor which will help me achieve my long term goal of becoming an airline pilot. Some hobbies of mine include; hanging out with my friends, playing basketball, wake boarding, running, and occasionally playing video games (infrequently because I am quite bad at it). Something else about me is that I have had a girlfriend of 2.5 years, Brooke. She is my best friend! Together we have a "dog-daughter", Rue, who is a little over a year old.

Brooke & Me Tearing Up Eagle Mt. Lake

Rue - Fully Grown, 4.8 lb Beast

Something else I enjoy doing is working on my car. I like doing "hands on" projects. The mechanical "how things work" aspect has always been fascinating to me. I have a 2011 Ford Mustang GT that I daily drive that I like to do fun projects on. Lastly, I wanted to mention a hobby that I would love to get into (when I can afford it haha). That hobby is aerobatic flying. I have limited experience in planes doing aerobatics but there really isn't anything like "pulling g's" and flying upside down. If anyone reading this isn't exactly sure what I'm talking about here is a link to the legend, Sean D. Tucker, doing what he does best! Looks like a BLAST to me, you just have to be smart and precise with what you are doing.


  1. Hey Nathan,

    That is super cool that you can fly your own airplane. I have always wonder what it feel like to be able to fly anywhere. I wish you the best toward your goal. I must say Rue is cute. I have been thinking about getting a dog and seeing this might just push me toward that a little bit more. I love project car and Ford Mustang GT must be a really interesting car for you to work on.

  2. Hi Nathan!

    Wow, that is so impressive that you started flying in high school!! I was scared to sit in a plane in high school, let along control it. That is incredible. I also love that you talked about your girlfriend Brooke! The picture of you guys on the lake is adorable, and you know it is a good relationship if you have an adorable puppy too ;)

  3. Hi Nathan,
    First of all I love the picture and caption of the 4.8 pound beast. I hope to adopt a dog in my near future as well. Everybody deserves that companion in their early adult life! Second, flying is not my thing, but I wish it was. I've often seen stats on how safe and efficient flying is, but still, the idea of being thousands of feet in the air alone has me dizzy. In my personal preference, it's driving wherever
    I go if I have that opportunity! I have to give props to you for being nearly a pro at something that makes me so uneasy though. Congrats, Nathan, and I wish you a great semester.

  4. Hi Nathan,

    Thank you for attaching pictures, and congratulations on being able to fly! That is super cool, and scary to me but I bet it is super fun. Humans have wanted to fly since the beginning of time, and it is almost impossible that we somehow figured that out! Also, your dog Rue is so fun and adorable! Dogs are definitely the solution to many problems, and I hope I get to have one soon as well!

  5. Hey Nathan, really cool that you were able to chase your dream and become a pilot. I have a couple friends that are in aviation school and it's always so cool when they take me up in one of those little planes. I'm also into cars but I have not really put that much work into my dodge charger, I have only straight-piped it to make it sound good.

  6. Nathan,

    I am so jealous you are learning to become a pilot. I have always wanted to learn how to fly a plane, as I believe it could be a really relaxing as well as thrilling hobby. My mom, however, is terrified of planes and might have a heart attack if I started to fly airplanes! Especially since she freaks out whenever I have to fly on an airplane that is flown my a professionally trained pilot. Also, I love your little beast, Rue. She looks like such a sweetie! Congrats on being with your girlfriend for so long. I have recently gotten married to my best friend, Braiden. I hope things end well for you with becoming an airline pilot as well as your relationship with Brooke.

  7. Hey Nathan, nice to meet you! Being a pilot is awesome, I loved playing flight simulators as a kid. It's amazing that you're already a commercial pilot and a certified flight instructor, you're very accomplished! Flying for an airline seems like an exciting career, that used to be my dream until I decided to follow medicine instead. Good luck becoming a pilot!

  8. Hey Nathan, I think it's really cool that you're so enthusiastic about flying and eventually becoming an airline pilot. There are a lot of pilots in my family and I know that they all love what they do. It's really cool that you and your girlfriend have been together for so long and have a dog together. My girlfriend and I have similarly been together for around 2 years and we have a cat named Pancho together! You seem like a really cool dude. Good luck on the rest of your college career!

  9. Oh wow, a pilot: how wonderful, Nathan! We actually live near a really small regional airport (and I mean REALLY small), and there's an aerobatic pilot who keeps his plane there, and so I often get to see him flying and doing all his rolls and dives and aerobatic things. At first it kind of scared me, but now I love to watch: it's pretty amazing! I always wave at him. I'm not sure if he can see me or not, but sometimes he drops down pretty slow, so I always make sure to wave. I hope you will get a chance to have that adventure too (and providing enjoyment for people down on the ground watching too!).
    And your little Rue is such a cutie! I am sure she might think she is a serious beast even if we might look small to us.

  10. Hey Nathan! I am also from the DFW area! My dad used to have a pilot's license when he was our age; he worked a job at a small airport and flew some old planes like Cessna's. I think it's cool that OU has an aviation program like this - I actually don't know if other colleges have that opportunity to major in aviation and fly planes in college...I imagine you do, though. I'll have to look it up and see!

  11. Hey Nathan! That’s amazing that you started flying lessons in high school, and it’s really impressive that you have both the Certified Pilot certificate and the Flight Instructor certificate. I definitely relate to you on playing video games; they’re really fun, but I’m also pretty bad at it. Also, aerobatic flying seems absolutely insane. I’ll have to check it out more, but it definitely looks really exciting.

  12. Hey Nathan! First off it is nice to meet you. I am from Oklahoma but I have a couple friends that grew up in Fort Worth and a few that attend TCU. That is actually really cool that you have a commercial pilot certificate and a private pilot certificate. That's is actually on the top of my bucket list after I finish school I want to have my own plane and private pilot license. I have not actually heard of aerobatic flying but I'm going to check out the link you posted!

  13. Hi Nathan! It is so cool that you want to become an airline pilot. My dad went to college to become a pilot. Unfortunately, he never finished his degree but he works at an airport for a commercial airline. I have always been around aviation because of my dad, he has a huge model plane collection, and aviation collectibles in general. Good luck with everything in the future!

  14. Hey Nathan!

    I am a senior here at the University of Oklahoma majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. I spent the majority of my life in a small, rural town in the northwest part of Oklahoma near the panhandle called Woodward. I have always loved the field of aviation. Whenever I was younger, I wanted to go into that field, but as I grew up, I changed my mind and pursued a career in the medical field. Wake boarding sounds like fun! I wish you all the best with your future endeavors! Good luck!

  15. Hi Nathan!
    I find it super cool that you are only on your fifth semester and you already hold all of these certificates. That is a great accomplishment and honestly super cool! I spent all of my life in Texas as well in a town called Frisco, right outside of Dallas and I find myself definitely wanting to move back once I am out of college. I hope that everything is going well for you this semester and I hope you stay healthy.

  16. Hi Nathan!
    Wow, I can't believe you earned your first flying certificate while you were in high school, or before you started college at least. That is so impressive! I have a few friends who were in the aviation program here, and while its a lot of work, they all were so passionate about pursuing careers in this field and loved the work they did. Is there a specific airline you are interested in working with eventually? I know people who have flown on different airlines have their preferences about which is best (I personally prefer Southwest), so I wondered if it was a similar situation for pilots and flight attendants. The photos you included didn't load for me, which was a bummer :( I would've loved to see a picture of your puppy Rue. I can imagine she's pretty cute though.

    1. Thank you for letting me know that the pictures weren't loading! There was a compatibility issue on my end that I believe I have resolved. With that said, if anyone reading this notices that it still isn't working please let me know. To answer your question about potential employment, I would love to one day work as a pilot for FedEx. That is what my dad does and he loves it. They provide a great quality of life, desirable pay, and a fantastic company culture. To meet the experience requirements for FedEx, I will first work as a pilot at a regional airline (the smaller planes that you see that say "American Eagle", "Delta Connection", "United Express", etc, on the side. Thank you again, Lydia!

  17. Hi Nathan! That is so cool you are learning to become a pilot. That will be such an exciting career. Good luck with that! Also your dog is so adorable. You sound like a really cool guy, and your hobbies sound super fun. Hope you have had a good semester so far and good luck on your other classes and finals.

  18. Hey Nathan! I am glad you have found something you are so passionate about! You seem to really be having fun in life and that's always so great to see and hear about! I love your little dog, she is so cute and I bet she is the sweetest. I hope your semester is going so well and good luck with any exams or projects that arise in the future!

  19. Hi Nathan, it is so amazing that you can fly a plane! Congratulations on holding a Commercial Pilot certificate and being a Certified Flight Instructor certificate! That sounds amazing! You must be so proud of yourself! Also, Rue is such an adorable dog! I hope to have a pet dog one day as well! Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  20. Hello Nathan! Very nice to meet you! I love all of the pictures you included in your post. That is insanely awesome that you have a private and commercial pilot's license, congratulations! It sounds like you lead a very exciting life, I wish you the best of luck on your journey to becoming a professional pilot. Maybe one day I'd be on one of your flights, definitely neat to think about!

  21. Hey Nathan!
    Flying a plane has got to be a really cool experience. It’s great that you’ve been able to get several licenses and are interested in pursuing it as a career. I do play games quite often. I used to only enjoy a game if I was good at it, but lately I’ve found that I don’t mind if I’m not good at a particular game. It’s more about spending time with my friends that doing well in a game.

  22. Hey Nathan,
    I am really happy to see you peruse an interesting career like flying, pretty sure you would be enjoying your carrier in aviation. Also Rue is such a darling, reminds me of my dog named Raja whom I had to give away, hope he is doing fine. I'm pretty sure the Mustang would be an awesome car to get your hands dirty on. Hope to see you as a pilot of one of my flights one day!

  23. Hello Nathan, it’s nice to meet you! I took a look at the link you posted of Sean D. Tucker, and boy does that look crazy! I couldn’t imagine wanting to fly planes like that, but I hope you get a chance to fly like that someday. Congratulations on your flight certificates, I bet you’ll go far as a pilot!

  24. Hi Nathan! I love your introduction! Rue is precious! I love that you included a picture of her! Your life seems so fun and interesting! That is really cool that you are pursuing a career to become a pilot! I have a few friends in aviation who absolutely love it!

  25. Hey Nathan! Rue is a fantastic beast. It's really cool that you got into flying so early. I've only known a few people to get a pilot's license, and one of them wound up being an air traffic controller (I think the flying would be better, so good for you!) I'm also a mechanic, although most of my "projects" are less for fun and more for having a car that runs lol. Anyway, good luck with your finals and with getting the flight hours you need.


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