Time Strategies

 Time Strategies

I have always been pretty good about managing my time in a relatively efficient and effective manner. I have never been a procrastinator, it drives me crazy when I have something to do and I'm doing nothing productive. As I've gotten older, I just have way more things to do which has really made me hone my time management skills. What really helps me manage my time wisely is that all of the assignments (for this class and others) are already posted for the entire semester. This allows me to plan way ahead so I know exactly what I need to do and when I need to do it. To help me develop my ability to manage time more wisely, I selected "The Myth of 'Too Busy'" by Tim Grahl as well as "3 Steps to Recapture Time" by Joynicole Martinez. In "The Myth of 'Too Busy'", Tim lays out several excellent points for the readers to consider. Tim's main point that he repeatedly emphasized was the word "prioritization". When you are busy, you really are just prioritizing what is more important. He continues to say that we need to cut the unnecessary aspects out of our lives. To myself, and many my peers, an example of something unnecessary that we could cut back on is the use of social media. Yes, there are many productive uses for social media (such as networking and learning). However, the reality is that it is rarely used for productive purposes.

The next article I read was "3 Steps to Recapture Time". As the name suggests, Joynicole included 3 steps, but the third was the one that stuck out the most to me. It is to "practice the art of no". It is hard to effectively manage your time when you say "yes" every time your buddy asks you to go out and do whatever activity. We, as a society, need to get better and prioritizing and making the dreaded statement "No, I can't because of _____".

time management tips infographic
Time Management Tips - Via Corporate Finance Institution


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