Feedback Strategies

 Feedback Strategies

The first article that I selected to read for this assignment was "How to Give Feedback Without Being a Jerk". The whole article was great, but I took away one key point that stood out to me. This point was actually the first and it is "explain why you're giving the feedback". They even referenced a study where they preface the feedback with a statement and it made the feedback 40% more effective! I also think this is important because someone will be less receptive to the feedback if they aren't sure why you're giving it. The second article I selected was "Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job". Initially when you read the title you may be offset, at least I was, You would think that saying "good job" is a positive thing. Like the last article, I selected one key point that stood out the most to me. This is "creating praise junkies". If we are constantly receive praise, such as the statement "good job", we can actually become dependent on this praise. If this is engrained into the mind as a child, that individual will likely carry that mindset into adulthood. Now this isn't to say that we need to stop saying it completely, but to stop using it to shape behavior. Overall, I think feedback is an excellent tool if used properly and appropriately. Unfortunately, it often isn't but it is never too late to learn!

Feedback - Via View Sonic


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