Feedback Thoughts

 Feedback Thoughts

I agree wholeheartedly that society is shaping individuals into this fixed mindset, myself included. I am oftentimes terrified to make a mistake. When this is worst for me is when I am taking what is called a check ride. I go up in the plane with an examiner who is watching my every move and I must perform up to standards. I am fully supportive of having strict standards, but I need to become less worried about making mistakes both on check rides and in my training. It's said often, but people really do learn from their mistakes. For this assignment I selected two articles. The first is called "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work". Though my example wasn't regarding creative work, I think many of the principles can carry over. I selected three that are particularly prevalent to me. The first is "embrace a growth mindset". If you aren't quite sure what that is, refer my to my blog post about having a growth mindset. This will help me better blossom as a person, in the classroom and in the cockpit. The second is "abandon perfectionism" which I need to grasp better. I am always aiming for perfection, especially in things I love. I get very competitive with myself, which can be a good thing but also a bad thing. I need to channel this energy better to make it fully work to my advantage. The last point is to "trust yourself". What I get from this point is that we have worked very hard to get where we are today, so you should trust yourself and your abilities. The second article I read is called "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head". The voice in your head can be from internal or external sources. It's important to draw the distinction between negative, unproductive criticism and feedback/constructive criticism. The main point that I took away from the article is that we need to do better about emphasizing the positives. Being down on yourself is not only unproductive but also just not fun. Everyone likes being happy!

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Via Chillin' Competition


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