Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part C

 Week 6: Reading Mahabharata

    This is my third blog post in a set of four as I read Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata. For this post I have read stories 101-150. Just as I have done for the other reading posts I have selected three stories that really stood out to me the most. I believe they leave an excellent foundation for me to build on that will allow me to express a bit of creativity in the storytelling assignments. The first story I selected is titled "The Pandavas Look for Water". The Pandavas were following a deer deep into the forest as they became increasingly tired and thirsty. They eventually stop too rest and look for some water to quench their dehydration. They stumble across a lake and began to drink. As they drink their are told to stop. They look around and see nothing but a crane and it turns out that this crane is who told them to stop. The crane tells them that they need to stop and answer the cranes questions before they can drink. Nakula was too thirsty and disregarded the crane, he died. Sahadeva, Arjuna, and Bhima are sent to look for them. Yudhishthira found his brothers dead at the lake. The next story I selected is titled "Shikhandin Confronts Bhishma". On the tenth day of the war, the Pandavas realized that they could use Shikhandin against Bhishma because she was a woman and Bhishma would. to fight a woman. So they did just that, she goes into battle. Bhishma says that he won't fight her. Shikhandin says that whether or not he fights, she will slay him. Eventually, Bhishma fell on to the arrows that penetrated him. The last story I selected is titled "Abhimanyu Enters the Maze". As Arjuna battled the suicide squadron, Drona rearranged the army into the shape of a maze. Arjuna was the only one ho knew the counterattack. Abhimanyu says that he can break the maze but he doesn't know how to get out. Bhima responds by telling them not to worry and that they will be with him. Then Abhimanyu broke through but the opposing forces sealed it up immediately. He fought very fiercely but it wasn't enough. Abhimanyu died there, inside the maze.

Bhishma refuses to fight Shikhandin - Via Wikipedia

Bibliography: Laura Gibbs, Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata


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