Reading Notes: Mahabharata Revisited Part A

 Reading Notes: Mahabharata Revisited Part A

For this assignment I selected to revisit the Mahabharata. This time though I did not read Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata, but rather I watched the Part A & B from the Epified YouTube channel. It was fun to get to hear the same stories that I read about whilst someone illustrated with a sharpie. That very talented artist made it even easier to visualize exactly what happened. One that was my favorite to revisit was when King Shantanu got married to the lady who kept drowning their kids. The Tiny Tales were so fun to read because not only was the content fascinating, but the format was very fun as well. These videos took a different perspective by going in a bit more detail. This story in particular I actually made my own version and you find it here on this blog. Titled "Gold Digger". The second story that stood out to me was "The Blind Bride". To me, it really sheds light on how different our culture is in America in the 21st century. It seems like women were treated more like property than the conscious humans that they are/were. With that said, the story is a very interesting one. It definitely shows devotion that she was willing to give up her eyesight for life. Lastly, the third story that I intrigued by most was "Sons of Pandu". It was honestly a rather sad story. I have lost several loved ones and it is never easy. I could tell by the narration and the illustration that she was very sad that he was gone. 

Pandavas Walking With Their Mother - Via Wikipedia

Bibliography: Epified YouTube Channel, Mahabharata


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