Reading Notes: Mahabharata Revisited Part B

 Reading Notes: Mahabharata Revisited Part B

Just like part A of this week's reading assignment I selected to watch the Epified YouTube channel's telling of the Mahabharata. Of course, I watched part B of the videos. It is very cool to see the stories that I read told in a longer format and especially cool to see them illustrated. I must say, whoever is drawing with that sharpie is talented, haha! Anyway, just like all of my other reading assignments I have selected the three that stood out to me most. This first of which is "One Hundred Sons". This was such an interesting and engaging story. The visuals of when he came in and divided the lump into a hundred individual lumps and when he was putting them into oil filled vats was very fascinating. The ominous music in the background contributed to the scene! The second story that I enjoyed watching the most was "Son of the Sun". This is another example that I remember in a somewhat abbreviated version in Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata. This different format allowed me to better visualize the story and conceptualize it in a different light. I love to read, but watching the same story allows you to catch other details as well. Especially if presented in different ways such as in this case. The last story that caught my attention most was "Hate and Hurt". Very interesting story about deception. I have no idea exactly what sleep inducing herbs they were talking about but I am intrigued. Maybe they are fictional but it seems like a cool concept! Loved the story.

Mahabharata Being Written - Via Wikipedia

Bibliography: Epified YouTube Channel, Mahabharata


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